Genie® Accessories | Ask Me Anything August 19th-23rd, 2019

by Genie On Aug 12, 2019, 06:00 AM
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Welcome to Ask Me Anything with Marie Engstrom and Michael Flanagan on Genie® Accessories! Watch the brief introduction and ask your question below:
Additional information on Genie Accessories can be found here:
- Boom and Scissor Lift Accessories
- Platform Accessories to Keep in Your Parts Inventory
- Genie Safety Minute: Options and Accessories
See the Q&A here:
Q: (Kenny P.): When will boom training @ Oklahoma City start back up?
- A: Hi Kenny! To learn more about boom training scheduling at the Genie® Oklahoma City facility, please contact the Training team to help you out at 1-800-536-1800 or information about Genie training options can also be found here:– Michael
Q (Dennis M.): I believe I read in one of you earlier writings that a trained supervisor must be present 100% of the time to document that users obey OSHA regulations and work rules on a MEWP in order to prevent them becoming complacent with the rules and other safety issues. Is this correct? It does not say that in the new SAIA/ANSI-A92.22/A92.24 manual. Exactly what does OSHA expect to see in the required documentation? This is a huge issue with my clients who are mainly building engineers and management people. Not the construction industry.
- A: Hi Dennis! Under the new ANSI A92 standards, the user (employer) is responsible for designating a qualified person to monitor, supervise and evaluate operators on a regular basis to ensure that they have the skills necessary to do the job safely. The key here is “on a regular basis”, which is not defined by ANSI or OSHA. A regular basis would be defined as what a reasonable person would consider a regular basis, which could be daily, weekly or even monthly. Wiktionary defines “a regular basis” as “occurring in regular time intervals or patterns”. So it is clearly not an expressed requirement that the supervisor be onsite constantly observing their operators. The act of a supervisor who oversees multiple jobs in close proximity of each other and needs to travel between the sites during a day, leaving MEWP operators working without the immediate supervisor being there for a period of time does not constitute non-compliance with the standards. – Marie
Q (Dennis M.): Earlier writings stated ALL MEWPs will require overload sensing systems. The latest writing here states MANY will. What types of MEWPs require overload sensing systems after 12/20/19? Will Types 1 Group A (AWP/IWP) require them? Will Type 3 Group A (Scissors/Runabout) require them?
- A: Genie® AWP ™, IWP™ and GRC™ machines will not require load sense, due to their platform size. Due to their smaller platform, they don’t require load sense, in accordance with the new ANSI standards. Slab scissor lifts, rough terrain scissor lifts, and Genie GR™ machines will be equipped with load sense as standard equipment.- Michael
Q (Eric M.): I would like mechanical training and info on how to do so.
- A: Hi Eric! Genie offers Tech Pro training, geared toward service and technical training for technicians.You can self-register for free at learn more about our training options, you can also contact the Training team at 1-800-536-1800 or Marie
Q (Reggie D.): We would like to see a tray/ channel option in addition to the cleat style glazier kits you offer. Do you currently offer something like that?
- A: Hi Reggie! While Genie doesn’t currently offer this option, we continually evolve our accessories solutions based on customers’ needs. Stay tuned for continual updates on the Genie Booms and Scissors Accessories page: Michael
Q (Gene Z.): How do you care for and use the Fall Arrest Bar?
- A: Hi Gene! You’ll want to be sure to inspect the Genie® Fall Arrest Bar each time before use.For details on appropriate usage and annual inspection of this accessory, please review its Operators Manual at Marie
Q (Will S.): With the Fall Arrest Bar, what happens if there is an incident, do you discard the bar or what is the process for certifying it is safe to use?
- A: Hi Will! You will want to inspect the Genie® Fall Arrest Bar after it is used in a fall arrest incident.You want to inspect it every time before use, as well as every time you install or uninstall it.For details on appropriate usage and annual inspection of this accessory, please review its Operators Manual at Michael
Q (Ed C.): Is there a pre-operation inspection for the Fall Arrest Bar?
- A: Hey Ed! You must inspect the Genie® Fall Arrest Bar every time before it is used, along with each time it’s installed or uninstalled.For details on appropriate usage and annual inspection of this accessory, please review its Operators Manual at– Marie
Q (Tomi W.): Is the pipe cradle approved on the GS-1930?
- A: While Genie doesn’t currently offer this accessory for the Genie® GS™-1930 specifically, we continually evolve our accessories solutions based on customers’ needs.It is currently approved for use on Genie boom lifts, the Genie GS-2046, GS-2646, GS-3246 scissor lifts, and Genie rough terrain scissor Lifts, depending on serial number breaks. The Genie Lift Tools™ Material Carrier is also available on all Genie rough terrain scissor lifts. Stay tuned for continual updates on the Genie Booms and Scissors Accessories page: Michael
Q (Isaiah R.): Can you provide me with Access Deck details? Part numbers, weight, weight limits, dimensions, model compatibility, lanyard requirements (must be tied off, acceptable length, etc.).
- A: You can learn more about the Genie® Lift Tools™ Access deck on our Accessories page: You can also view all of this information on our product information flyer: manual will give you full details of features and proper safety usage: Marie
Q (Vernon O.): Do we have a panel cradle for GS-1930 and similar slab scissors?
- A: Genie does offer the Genie® Panel Cradle for the Genie GS™-2046 and GS-2646 scissor lifts, along with a select number of Genie boom lifts.You can learn more about the Genie Panel Cradle here: - Michael
Q (Tim H.): If I have a custom design for an attachment, how do I get it approved to use on a Genie machine?
- A: In response to a growing demand for a variety of different mobile elevating work platform accessories, Genie continually evolves our accessories solutions based on customers’ needs. For general guidance on installation of custom attachments, please review our guidance here: approvals on modification outside the scope of this document on a case-by-case basis, you can contact Genie here: Marie
Q (Shelly B.): Is the Access Deck available to order; is it shipping yet?
- A: Yes! The Genie® Lift Tools™ Access Deck for Booms is available and shipping now. You can order it through the Genie aftermarket parts department at (877) 367-5606 or more information on Genie Parts, please visit– Michael
Q (Cory R.): We use scissor lifts as elevators to get the crew to flat roof projects, on roofs over 40 feet. This is way safer than a ladder and cheaper than a stair tower. If a scissor lift is a scaffold and scaffold must be within 14 inches of the building they are working on without the need of guardrails then I believe I can transition from the scissor lift to the roof without fall protection. Knowing are gap in usually less than 4 inches and sometimes less that 2 inches but moves a little. We set guardrails up on the roof to come within 10 inches of the rails on the scissor lift. Please let me know if you believe this is safe or do you believe employees should transition with being tied off. These are flat commercial building roofs.
- A: Hi Cory; good question! When exiting the platform, 100% tie-off must be used.When it comes to exiting the side gate available on Genie® GS™-XX69 scissor lifts, please heed the following direction.Operators must use personal fall protection equipment when exiting and entering an elevated platform through the side gate. When exiting or entering an elevated platform, the platform must be positioned as close as possible to the surface of the exit or entry point, but not more than 12 inches / 30 cm away from the surface of the exit or entry point. Operators are required to wear approved PFPE at all times when exiting and entering an elevated platform through the side gate, and must use a lanyard designed to allow 100% tie-off when exiting and entering an elevated platform through the side gate. Do not exit or enter an elevated platform through the rear gate. For overall scissor safety guidance, you can read more in our document here: - Michael
Q (Kyle E.): What is the total cost of ownership for Genie Accessories?
- A: Attachments can reduce total cost of ownership (TCO) for a machine, if you have the right accessory for the right job. For example, the Genie® Lift Tools™ Material Carrier is designed to accommodate a wide range of materials in the platform, which if stacked directly on the guard rails, isn’t in accordance with the Operators Manual and could result in guardrail damage. Non-Genie accessories can increase TCO, if they are in violation of OSHA or jobsite regulations.
Preventative maintenance and using the accessory correctly contribute to lowering TCO.
Accessories require minimal maintenance overall. It’s easy to incorporate the inspection of an accessory into the regular pre-operation inspection of a machine. - Marie
Q (Ron W.): What is the value / ROI from purchasing Genie accessories for my machines?
- A: Genie® accessories can improve rental rates and utilization, due to allowing for a wider variety of applications.For example, an integrated accessory, like a cold weather kit, can enable operation in cold weather climates or freezer applications or general construction.With an accessory like a Genie Lift Tools™ Access Deck, you can optimize jobsite productivity, by reducing the number of equipment needed for you to complete your job.For example, in hard-to-reach applications traditionally accessed with scaffolding, a Genie Scissor Lift equipped with a Genie Lift Tools Access Deck could take its place, while also completing other jobsite tasks.- Marie
Q (Sabrina W.): What are the latest-released accessories from you guys?
- A: Genie has released a number of new accessories recently!These include the Genie® Lift Tools™ Access Deck, the Expo Installer, the Genie Lift Guard™ Contact Alarm for Slab Scissors and Vertical Mast Lifts, the Genie Lift Guard™ Platform Mesh Accessories, and the Genie Lift Tools™ Material Carrier.For more Genie accessory options, please visit the accessories page at - Michael
Q (Chris A.): What is the value of purchasing Genie’s accessories versus those of other manufacturers?
- A: Genie® accessories are designed, tested, and approved for use on Genie machines, as opposed to non-OEM accessories.All accessories and options are not created equally – only Genie Lift Guard™ and Lift Tools™ accessories are tested and verified for use on Genie machines.Details matter – even if other aftermarket accessories and options share the same specs, only Genie Lift Guard™ and Lift Tools™ accessories are designed, tested and manufactured to work with your Genie machine.- Marie
Q (Cory R.): Thank you for your response, I just disagree. I understand you must error on the side of caution. I am telling you there is no way they can fall if the gap is more than 4 inches in worse case then we put plywood across opening. I really wish you would reconsider this and set up a procedure so when it is used as an elevator. It can be done safely without tying off for transition. I would be fine with it is allowed legally but not recommended. Other wise I see us going to 48 foot or taller ladders.
- A: Hi there, Cory. Our approved procedure for exiting a MEWP at height is based on the standards requirements that the manufacturer address fall prevention of persons while exiting the work platform at height onto an adjacent structure. Please see section 6.8.33 of the ANSI A92.22 standards for more information. Please contact Genie® Product Safety for additional inquiries at (800) 536-1800. - Marie
Q (Chris A.): How will Genie accessories help my customer’s productivity on their job sites?
- A: Since Genie® accessories are designed, tested, and approved for use on Genie machines, they’re built to make the machine more productive in its work on the jobsite. In some cases, they eliminate the need for an additional piece of equipment for a need. They also allow for improved ergonomics while carrying materials in a platform. In addition to placement at height, material handling accessories simplify the loading and unloading of materials from the machine on the site. To see which accessories can be the most beneficial to you, visit the Genie accessories page: - Michael
Q (Tyler H.): What is the logic behind the pricing of your accessories?
- A: All Genie® accessories are OEM-designed, built and tested to last on Genie machines on the jobsite. They are certified under the standards for the regions in which they are sold, as opposed add-ons not approved by Genie. Genie® Lift Tools™ and Genie Lift Guard™ accessories are designed to improve jobsite productivity and can improve your RROIC (rental return on invested capital). - Michael
Q (Eugene T.): Are there accessories for smaller machines, besides scissors, booms, and telehandlers?
- A: Genie does have a range of accessories available for material lifts, including the Genie® Pipe Cradle, load platform, fork extensions, and boom. Additionally, on Genie AWP™ aerial work platforms, we also offer a tool tray and laser locator light, and fluorescent light caddy. On the Genie Runabout® GR™-12 and Genie Runabout GR-15, we also offer the fluorescent light caddy and standard work station tray. To learn more, please contact the Genie Parts department at (877) 367-5606 or - Marie
Q (Paul W.): What is a main benefit of using accessories on machines, as opposed to the built-in features?
- A: Genie® accessories allow you to customize for your specific productivity and jobsite needs. Not all sites require the same accessories, so removable accessories allow you to tailor your machine as needed. To learn more about Genie accessory options, visit - Michael
Q (Cory R.): If I place the basket of the MEWP over the edge of the roof and stay tied off to the basket and even stay in a fall restraint where I can not get to the edge, would Genie allow this. The basket works as a guardrail. So if there is no chance of falling would you be okay with this. Again the basket is over the roof could even be three foot over so no gap between the roof and the basket- JLG has the horizontal lifeline that goes on the outside of the lift that allows us to tie off to. Do you see making a similar item to this? We work in the sheet metal and roofing and need an option like this that does not penetrate the roof if possible.
- A: Hi there, Cory. We have exiting at height guidance for boom lifts as well, and you can find it here: We also have guidance that permits using boom fall arrest anchors in the basket while working on an adjacent structure: The Genie® Fall Arrest Bar accessory is quick to install and remove, and it allows for the operator to be tied off and move freely outside the platform while using personal fall protective equipment. You can watch a demonstration of how to use the Genie Fall Arrest Bar here: more information about this and other Genie accessories, visit - Michael
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