June 2019

Innovative Genie® GS™-1330m scissor lift ideal for low-level access and restricted spaces
If you’re seeking an alternative to a ladder for low-level access and manoeuvrability in restricted spaces or are using an oversized scissor lift for these applications, then look no further than the Genie® GS™-1330m scissor lift.
Optional secondary guarding solution now available in ANZ
The Genie® Lift Guard™ Contact Alarm for slab scissors and vertical mast lifts innovatively alerts operators, occupants and ground personnel to the potential hazards when working at height.
Additional layer of guarding for scissors and vertical lifts can reduce risks
The latest Genie® Smart Link™ Rev P software is available now for all Genie scissor lifts and vertical lifts. The new software includes an innovative functionality that allows machine operators to adjust the maximum platform height restriction.
Bedford enjoys rapid growth with the support of Genie
Buying Genie equipment has always been a family tradition at Newcastle rental firm Bedford Access. Launched in 2013 by Dennis Bedford, who had worked for his father Ken at Novocastrian Scaffolding and Access since leaving school, Bedford Access started with seven Genie
Maintaining your boom’s cables will deliver stronger returns
All preventive care is essential, but maintaining boom extend/retract cables is vitally important for delivering a robust return on invested capital (ROIC). The boom extend/retract cables are responsible for the extension and retraction of the boom tubes depending on the machine's size.