Register_Icon Product Registration

American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and Genie require that the seller or owner of a piece of Genie equipment register to Genie, the model and serial number of each machine sold, as well as the name, address and telephone number of the new owner, within 60 days of the sale.

Taking a few minutes to update owner information will ensure that you receive important safety, maintenance and operating information that applies to your machine.

You have two options to register your machine:

Download, complete and return the New Owner Registration Form:

New Owner Registration Form

Or fill in the online form below to notify Genie of the change of ownership of a piece of Genie aerial of material handling equipment:

New Owner Online Registration Form:

Product Information

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This registration will not be accepted if incomplete, or falsified in anyway. Please click the submit button if you have completed the form. If you have any questions please contact